The Dhaka Times
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Air India 2 pilots fight in the cockpit!

The Dhaka Times Desk We have heard a lot about handshakes. But so say the fight in the plane? One such incident happened. Air India 2 pilots in the cockpit fight!

Air India's pilot Co-pilots blows

Incidents like fights were reported in the cockpit of the plane itself. The incident took place in the cockpit of an Air India flight. When the aircraft leaves the ground and flies thousands of feet in the air, the lives of the passengers are mainly in the hands of the pilots of the aircraft. But if those pilots forget their serious responsibilities and get involved in fights or fights in the cockpit themselves, then what happens to the passengers is a matter of thought. Passengers of an internal flight of Air India had to suffer such a horrible situation on Sunday.

Indian media reported that the chief pilot and his assistant got involved in the trouble just before the Airbus A-320 took off from Jaipur Airport to New Delhi on Sunday afternoon. First, the two engaged in a fight, then a fight. In this case, the assistant pilot is the most accused.

Passengers of the plane said after the incident that when the chief pilot asked his assistant to perform some routine tasks, the assistant got angry and engaged in a fight. However, later the chief pilot kept a cool head and the plane reached Delhi safely.

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