The Dhaka Times
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5,000-year-old Muslim city discovered!

The Dhaka Times Desk Now a 5000 year old Muslim city has been discovered. It happened in Turkey. While excavating for the construction of a new building, the old suburb was discovered.

5 thousand years old city

According to news media, this old discovery is just like a dream story. It's like Lord of the Rings. Construction workers were at work, demolishing the old building and erecting the new building. Little did any of them know that a city of a thousand-year-old civilization lay right beneath their feet. The engineers who supervised the work, the local council who approved it, had no idea that there was a huge city right under their feet. Much like a fairy tale. But it's all real. It was found in Cappadocia, Turkey.

When the construction workers were digging the ground, just as they were cutting the ground, a neat huge tunnel appeared in front of their eyes! One question in their wondering eyes is how it was possible to arrange them so beautifully and neatly!

Then they walked through the tunnel and were more surprised. At the end of the tunnel is a large, beautifully decorated city. As if the city they found tunneled from above, another city twice the size was underground.

Under the network tunnels of the city of Nevsehir in Turkey, this city is considered to be a sign of an ancient civilization of about 5 thousand years ago. Earlier in 1963, a man in Derinko discovered the old 18-storey complex while suspiciously digging through the floor walls of his house. But today's subterranean city of Derinko's complex is said to be more than twice its size.

Nevsehir Mayor Hasan Anwar said that the people of the former Derinko usually used iron doors. But this newly discovered underground city has traces of civilization covered in pearls, diamonds and gold.

According to popular belief, during the Byzantine period, Muslims and people of different religions used to hide in these cities through underground tunnels to protect themselves from enemy attacks during wars. Archaeologists think this is the city they discovered. However, further research will reveal the real mystery - say analysts.

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