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The Internet of India's Uttar Pradesh is under the control of monkeys!

The Dhaka Times Desk When the Internet is gradually becoming popular with the people of the world, the disruption of the internet connection in Uttar Pradesh of India is under the control of monkeys!

monkeys in India

According to a BBC news, the biggest obstacle to the development of Internet connection in the Indian city of Banaras is the monkey! The city located in Uttar Pradesh of the country is known as a pilgrimage site for Hindus. Many devout Hindus consider the macaque species sacred. Due to which, despite creating various obstacles, it is not possible to take any action against these monkeys.

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As part of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's plan to develop India's Internet, the Banaras authorities began work on expanding the optical fiber cable network in the city, the BBC reported, citing Uttar Pradesh authorities. But those monkeys are repeatedly biting and ruining the fiber optic cables.

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AP Srivastav, communications engineer of the project, told the BBC, 'It is not possible for us to move the temple from here. Meanwhile the monkeys are destroying and eating all the wires.' He said, they are trying to find an alternative approach. However, there is almost no alternative system. This is because the distance between the houses in the densely populated city of Banaras is very short. That is why it is absolutely impossible to carry it underground. Also from the religious point of view, it is not possible to drive away the monkeys as the local people consider them sacred. In such a situation, the internet connection has come to a standstill in Uttar Pradesh.

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