The Dhaka Times
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This is coming teenage Spider-Man!

The Dhaka Times Desk Spider-Man is a favorite series for everyone, young or old. Especially kids go crazy to watch Spiderman. And so this time coming for Kishorers is Kishore Spider-Man.

Spider Man is now a teenager

After 'Spider-Man' and 'The Amazing Spider-Man', Marvel is bringing back this superhero in a new form. Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige told the media that this year's Spider-Man will be a 15/16-year-old teenager.

It is known that after the announcement of Marvel's new 'Spider-Man' series, there was a rumor going on in the fandom that Miles Morales, the successor of the original Spider-Man, that is, Peter Parker, may be the central character of this series. But Kevin Feige said that Peter Parker will be the hero in this series as well. This time it will show the high school life of teenager Peter.

Faiz told the media, 'Actors will be selected depending on age. But who, I still don't know. Based on Peter Parker's age at the time, I'd say 15/16 is about right.'

Marvel will introduce this new Spider-Man in 2016's 'Captain America: Civil War'. And the first movie of the new series about Spider-Man will be released on July 28, 2017. Now just waiting for that….

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