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Surprising incident: the fine for breaking up the marriage is only 75 paisa!

The Dhaka Times Desk No matter what happens in the world. Now a surprising thing happened. The penalty for breaking up the marriage was found to be only 75 paisa! The incident happened in Haryana, India.

breaking married just 75 paise fine

According to the details of the incident, the community panchayat levied a fine of 75 paisa for breaking the engagement just 9 days before the wedding. The party was ordered to deposit this 75 paise fine in the local Goshala.

According to media reports, the bride's home is in Ratia Township of Fatehabad, Haryana, India. In January last year, the marriage was fixed with Sanjeev Kumar, a resident of Mansa district of Punjab. A year after that engagement, their family fixed the wedding day on April 22. The invitation round has already ended. At that time, the husband demanded several things, including the car, near the girl's house.

The bride's uncle, Naresh Babu, said that after all the arrangements were made, the bridegroom broke off the marriage saying that it was not possible to meet the demands of the bridegroom's house due to the demand of dowry.

However, later the two sides settled the problem between themselves. They also said that they will not file any kind of litigation against each other.

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