The Dhaka Times
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Tiger paw in Bangabandhu Safari Park: a visitor lost his hand!

The Dhaka Times Desk In Bangabandhu Safari Park in Gazipur, a visitor named Ankan touched a tiger's paw. This tragic incident took place in the tiger zone of the Safari Park on Tuesday afternoon.

Bangabandhu Safari Park tiger paw

A visitor to Bangabandhu Safari Park in Gazipur was mauled by a tiger. Meanwhile, a tiger tore the hand of the visitor named Ankan (26). The injured visitor was immediately taken to the hospital. However, Ankan's identity is not known.

On Tuesday, the young man named Angkan came to visit the safari park. At this time, around 1:30 p.m., he climbed up on the boundary wall next to the restaurant in the tiger area of the park, extended his hand through the gap of the existing net and started calling a tiger that was far away. At that time, another tiger near the boundary wall suddenly bit Ankan's left hand. Realizing the incident, other visitors around him pulled the young man. At one point, the tiger tore off his left arm from the elbow. After that, the injured Ankon was taken to the hospital. It is known that no such incident has happened before in the Safari Park. After this incident, visitors left the safari park in fear.

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