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Now drawing a picture of an American goat!

The Dhaka Times Desk There are many famous painters in the world. But probably no one thought that a goat could ever become a painter. But this time just such a news has been received. An American goat is drawing.

Image Artist Goat

Everyone is shocked by such a news. The news is that the 4-year-old goat is drawing pictures! A resident of the Albuquerque Botanic Garden in New Mexico, America, a goat named 'Bodie' has been taught to draw carefully for the past few months by Christine Wright, a member there. Goat body has learned the use of paint very well. His paintings are on sale at the Biopark Society of New Mexico. The most surprising thing is that one picture sold for 40 USD.

He is called 'Vincent Van Gott' after Vincent van Gogh for this amazing talent of goat body. KRQK-13 reported in a report that this goat body showed off its artistry at the Rio Grande Heritage Farm late last week by picking up paint on its face.

Albuquerque Zoo manager Lynn Tupa is excited about Bodie, according to media reports. His response was, 'A goat painting with a brush in its mouth. And the dispersion of his talent in that film is truly phenomenal.

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