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8-year-old girl earns one and a half million dollars a month! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk He is only 8 years old, but he earns 166,000 dollars a month! An 8-year-old Australian child has become a billionaire using YouTube.

8-year-old girl and income

In fact, a lot can be achieved with a little intelligence. Again, it is not a matter of getting known like Hollywood stars and earning money like them. This is exactly what this 8-year-old child showed. The monthly income of the child is currently 1 lakh 66 thousand US dollars. And his source of income is YouTube.

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YouTube is very popular in this age of internet. YouTube is one of the entertainment sources for many people. And this 8-year-old Australian child has become a billionaire using YouTube.

According to information, the video of Australian girl Charlie has been viewed the most on YouTube. Due to popularity, this child has opened a channel on YouTube at such a young age. The name is Queenslander Charlie's Channel.

It is known that the average income of this channel is 1 lakh 27 thousand 777 USD per month. The average monthly viewership of the channel is 2.9 million. Last month in March it touched around 3 crores.

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According to a survey, beauty, style and cooking videos are the most watched videos on YouTube. 8-year-old Charlie teaches on YouTube how to bake food. Baby Charlie also teaches a variety of baked dishes. In no time, Charlie's fan base began to grow. Currently, this 8-year-old child Charlie is the richest star on YouTube. Charlie started uploading various videos of baking together with his sister from the age of 6. Since then the income has gradually increased. Now he is a millionaire by principle. Now Charlie is a famous person in the world. As many famous stars have gained fame through hard work, this 8-year-old boy Charlie has risen to the heights of fame at such a young age. References:

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