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Reasons to know blood group before marriage

The Dhaka Times Desk Getting the blood group done before marriage is very important. There are some special reasons to know this blood group.

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There is a trend in our society and that is to know each other's blood group before marriage. Most of the people think that if the blood group of the bride and groom match, there can be various problems. Is it really so? But experts say the idea is completely wrong. There is no problem if the blood group matches. But experts say that it is very important to check the blood group of the bride and groom before marriage. Find out why you should do it.

Some important information:

First we need to know some information about blood group. Mainly blood groups are divided into two categories.
One is the ABO system (A, B, AB & O).
The other is Rh factor {Rh positive(+ve) & Rh negative(-ve)}. That means the Rh factor will decide whether the blood group will be positive or negative.

Blood groups are:

A+ve, A-ve, B+ve, B-ve, AB+ve, AB-ve O+ve, O-ve. Let's find out what happens if the blood of another group is given to someone's body.

Why do the test?

When an Rh-negative person is given Rh-positive blood, there are usually no problems the first time. But the patient's body will produce antibodies against it. That's why if the patient takes positive blood again, his blood cells will be completely destroyed. Serious problems will arise. Such as fever, kidney failure, sudden death etc. This problem is called ABO incompatibility in medical terms.

What should be the blood group of husband and wife?

If the husband's blood group is negative, then the wife's blood group can be either positive or negative. But if the blood group of the husband is positive, then the wife must also be one of the positive blood group. In no way should the wife's blood group be negative. This means, a woman with negative blood group is safer to marry only a man with negative blood group.

What will be the problem if the blood group is positive and negative?

Experts say, there is no problem if the blood group matches. However, if the wife is negative and the husband is positive in a different blood group, then a gene called 'lethal gene' or 'killer gene' is produced at the time of birth, which later creates a barrier in the formation of the zygote. Or kill the zygote. In that case a dead child is born.

But if the husband's blood group is positive, usually the child's blood group will also be positive. When a negative blood group mother carries a positive fetus, there are usually no problems with the first child. But during delivery, the blood of the positive fetus will penetrate the placental barrier and enter the mother's body during placental displacement. The blood that enters the mother's body at the time of delivery, which will produce Rh antibodies in the mother's body within a few months after delivery. Experts say that there will be problems in case of second child.

When a mother conceives a second child, if the blood group of her fetus is positive again, then the Rh antibody that was produced in the mother's body will cross the placental barrier and enter the child's body. And when the Rh antibody enters the body of the fetus, agglutination will occur with the RBC of the fetus, due to which the RBC will break. This is called 'Rh incompatibility' in medical terms. The child will die.

So if a positive blood type man marries a negative type woman, they are more likely to have only one child. If for some reason the first child is not born, there is a possibility that they will remain childless later on. So things should be considered. That is, if possible, it is necessary to know the blood group of the bride and groom before marriage.

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