The Dhaka Times
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The story of a dirty dog! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Has anyone ever thought that dogs can be so mean? But it happened. There is a story of such an ugly dog for the readers.

One of the leading dog story

You might not believe what you've heard of a sly dog. But if you watch the first part of this video you will really believe it. But you will be disappointed after watching the first part of the video. It would seem, how can a dog bear so much pain, father! But at the end of this 20-second video, you can't believe that a stupid animal could resort to such deception?

Dogs that roam the streets often do not get food. Due to which he has to go to different places for food. Especially, the movement of these nedi dogs next to the dustbin is always visible. This is just one such scene, this dog in the video pretends to be sick to gain sympathy from passers-by. He can walk quite a distance by leaning on his front legs and dragging his hind legs - a lot of pretending. It looks like this dog is paralyzed. But after a while it can be seen that he ran with healthy legs. One cannot help but be amazed by this. One joked, 'In fact, this dog has learned to cheat by being around people!'

Watch the video–oOw

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