The Dhaka Times
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Ferdous-Mim is the advertising pair this time

The Dhaka Times Desk Popular film hero Ferdous and present day actress, Lux Superstar fame Vidya Sinha Mim are the pair of advertisement this time.

Mim & Ferdous

Popular big screen actor Ferdous. It has been reported in the media that the actor Ferdous, who has a large presence in Bengali films of Bangladesh and India, is going to team up with Lux superstar Vidya Sinha Mim in an advertisement.

Mim & Ferdous-2

It is known that the couple is going to participate in an advertisement of the housing construction company State Gems Development this month. This ad will be directed by Ripon Nag. According to the producer sources, the shooting of this advertisement is scheduled to start on 29/30 of this month in Cox's Bazar or Sylhet.

It should be noted that Ferdous is a popular actor in Upper Bengal and Upper Bengal. On the other hand, Lux Superstar fame Vidya Sinha Mim is one of the popular actresses in Bangladeshi films. The manufacturers think that advertising about them will get a huge response.

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