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A surprising case: fetus on the young woman's head!

The Dhaka Times Desk A surprising incident happened. Doctors are shocked. Because they found a fetus in the head of a young woman!

young head of the fetus

A young woman came to the doctors because there was no problem with her eyes but her vision was blurry. Again nothing happened to the ears, but he could not hear properly. Unbearable pain in the head again. The parents of the 26-year-old girl could not believe what had happened. Hands on the head doctors too. The scan showed that there is something like a pea inside the head of Jamini Karanam, an Indian student of Indiana University. At first, doctors assumed it was a tumor. But the surprising thing is that while doing surgery, the doctors see where the tumor went? Not even something as small as a pea. Rather, there is an immature fetus with bones, teeth, and hair in the head!

India's Anand Bazar newspaper reported that Jamini's blurred vision, not being able to eat, and hearing loss all started at the end of December last year. Even the American doctors could not decide what to do to relieve the young girl from Hyderabad from pain. A tumor in the pineal gland, right in the middle of the head. Surgery is very risky. Meanwhile, Jamini's pain is increasing gradually.

Whether it is right to do the surgery or not - Jamini's family suddenly found Dr. H. Shahinian in such a situation. Shahinian has a reputation for 'key-hole' surgery. Its specialty is to reach certain parts of the brain through a very small part of the head (key-hole). And then using scissors to remove the tumor.

Shahinian made a small hole in the back of Jamini's head for the operation. Skillfully inserted an endoscope into the skull. Then the surprise. Shahinian sees, not a tumor, there is a 'teratoma' (a tumor consisting of cartilage or tissue. It usually resides in an organ). Hair-teeth-bone flesh!

The doctors said that the teratoma was actually the young woman's twin sister's fetus. which somehow gets into the mother's body while in the womb. Then for the last 26 years this fetus remained secretly in Jamini's body.

Shahinian has performed thousands of surgeries in his career. With this, he faced teratoma for the second time. But this time he was also successful. The flesh is removed from the head of Jamini. The doctors think that the girl will recover slowly.

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