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A piece of Einstein's brain is now on display!

The Dhaka Times Desk A piece of Einstein's brain is now on display. This brain is on display at the Mather Museum in Pennsylvania, USA.

Einstein's brain

The brain of one of the greatest scientists of all time, Albert Einstein, has been opened for public viewing 60 years after his death. Albert Einstein's brain is on display at the Mather Museum in Pennsylvania, USA.

According to news media, Einstein died on April 18, 1955 at Princeton Hospital in New Jersey, USA. At that time, pathologist Thomas Harvey took her brain without permission and cut it into pieces.

Before his death, Einstein told his autobiographer that his body parts should be cremated, or people would start worshiping them. But after his death, when his body was being floated in the Vashma Delawar river, it was found that his brain and eyes were not cremated.

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It is later known that Thomas Harvey opened Einstein's brain and took it to the University of Pennsylvania. Cut them into pieces and send them for examination by eminent neuropathologists. In November 2011, the Mater Museum received a phone call informing them that one of the boxes Harvey had made with the brain fragments had been found.

The box of 46 tiny pieces of brain was then collected by the museum. That is what has been given in the exhibition. Anna Dhodi, curator of the museum, told the media that from now on, the box containing Albert Einstein's brain will be open to the public.

There is no doubt that crowds of people will flock to catch a glimpse of the brain of the world's greatest genius.

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