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Selfie course is being conducted at the university of the United States!

The Dhaka Times Desk Selfie is the thing that is taking the world by storm these days. To make selfies more appropriate, selfie courses are now being conducted at universities in the United States.

United States selfie courses

The United States University of Southern California (USC) has come forward to fulfill the world's obsession with selfies. The university has launched a course on selfie at undergraduate level.

According to international media reports, a course called 'Writing 150: Writing and Critical Reasoning: Identity and Diversity' has been introduced in the current semester in that university. Students are calling the classes of this course as 'Selfie Classes' for short.

United States selfie courses-2

According to media reports, associate professor Mark Marino, who taught the course, said, 'The importance of studying selfies, which have become popular through smartphones, is undeniable.'

Mark Marino added, 'My students are learning that we live in a time where the selfie has become a form of communication.'

Note that selfies have become a mania around the world in recent times. Now taking selfies at home has become a matter of great pleasure.

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