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Effective measures are needed to prevent trafficking of Bangladeshis

The Dhaka Times Desk Human trafficking has increased in the country in recent times. Poor people are being pushed to death by a class of brokers in the name of foreign jobs on the basis of poverty. Time has come to take effective measures to prevent trafficking.

Human trafficking

Different regions of Bangladesh, especially Teknaf, Maheshkhali, Rangpur border areas of Cox's Bazar, are being trafficked by a class of brokers in the name of employment abroad on the basis of poverty. We do not know if these people who are trafficked by sea ever succeed in their desired journey abroad. But sometimes he fell to his death, and sometimes he was caught and put in jail.

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State Minister of Home Affairs Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal has said that the identified Bangladeshis who have been smuggled to various countries including Malaysia, Thailand will be brought back to the country. He told this to reporters at the secretariat on Wednesday. He said that the government is also taking quick action on the trafficked Bangladeshis floating in the sea near Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand.

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Regarding taking steps to stop smuggling, he said, security will be increased in the water border, intelligence activities have been increased. The government has repeatedly discouraged smuggling abroad.

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The Ministry of Home Affairs has decided to increase the patrolling of the BGB to prevent smuggling along the border routes of various dangerous areas of the country and to raise public awareness locally.

But the most important thing to prevent human trafficking is public awareness. Experts believe that it is possible to prevent trafficking in the lure of jobs abroad only through mass awareness.

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