The Dhaka Times
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What to do if you forget your Wi-Fi password

The Dhaka Times Desk Forgotten passwords happen occasionally. But many people don't know what to do if they forget this password. Learn what to do if you forget your Wi-Fi password.

Wi-fai, to forget your password

Many of us use WiFi at home to use various social networking sites or for various work needs. But sometimes Wi-Fi users have to face various problems. For example, one of those problems is losing and forgetting the Wi-Fi password. So learn how to recover password today.

What to do if you forget your router password:

First you need to open the browser. Then after opening the browser you have to go to the local address option of the router. Now go there and enter the user's username and password. Then click on the Internet option, from there you go to the wireless option. After that you will see a box. There you will find your router password. This is how you can recover your forgotten Wi-Fi router password.

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