The Dhaka Times
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So that the house does not break, this is the gift of the toilet at the wedding!

The Dhaka Times Desk A few days ago I saw a news that a wife divorced her husband due to lack of toilet. In order not to break the house, the toilet was given as a gift at the wedding!

gift of marriage toilet

The bride is anxious about what gifts to give at the wedding. And so they have to be prepared in many ways. The recent incident has shaken everyone. A rice bride divorces her husband and goes to her father's house after being humiliated for not having a toilet. Everyone is shocked by such news. But this is the real picture of remote areas of India.

But this time something exceptional happened. Five days before the wedding, the girl suddenly found out that there is no toilet in her father-in-law's house. And so the girl sat down. The bride made it clear to her father and uncle that she would not need any gold or jewellery. A toilet should be provided, only then he will sit in the marriage, otherwise not.

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Everyone was shocked to hear such a girl! How is that possible? Her father and uncle necessarily accepted the girl's demand. A temporary toilet was given to the bride as dowry on the wedding day. All the girl and in-laws are very happy. The people of the village were amazed to see this toilet. The wedding took place last Friday in Andura village of Maharashtra state, India. Devendra Makore married Chaitali Galakh, a Marathi girl from Andura village. And in this marriage, the girl's father gave her a temporary toilet as a gift. The toilet has water tank, basin, mirror.

Anyway, at least, after the wedding, the bride will not have to go to the field to do the natural work and will not have to face any embarrassment.

Note that a woman in India divorced her husband and went to her father's house because there was no toilet. A news related to this was recently published in The Dhaka Times. For details read- Divorce husband because there is no toilet! [video]

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