The Dhaka Times
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A thief fell asleep in the house while stealing!

The Dhaka Times Desk Ghum Kumiri has been reported as a thief. Sleeping crocodile fell asleep in the house while stealing a thief!

A thief stole slept in the house

The thief had to break at least two locks to enter the house. But the night was deep. The only person in the house is fast asleep. At such a time, the sleepy crocodile thief thought that it would not be bad to take a little more sleep. What you think is what you do. The thief fell asleep.

A thief's task is to clear the house and escape as fast as possible. But this Florida thief did such an exceptional job. In fact, he did not want to miss such an opportunity to enter the house and sleep in the breeze of the AC. So he gave sleep.

A thief stole slept in the house-2

According to the news media, a beautiful sofa that looks absolutely shiny upon entering the house. Sitting on such a sofa, he first thought, let's take a little. Because he had to struggle a lot to break the lock, hide and climb up. So he thought the theft would be an afterthought. Sitting on the sofa, when the thief came with his eyes closed. He himself does not know when he is asleep.

The owner of the house was surprised by looking at the sofa in the morning. Who is sleeping in this room! The door of the room was wide open. The lock is also broken. Seeing such a case, he screamed. Malkin's scream woke up the thief. After waking up with a yawn, the thief thought that's why... he came here to wash his hands. It was not too late to regain consciousness, he ran with the landlady's bag on the table. The bag contained important documents including several hundred dollars, driver's license, credit card and some checks. However, at the end of the incident, the address of the thief was Kashtari.


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