The Dhaka Times
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'Padma Patar Jal' starring Eman and Mim will be released on Eid

The Dhaka Times Desk 'Padma Patar Jal' starring Eman and Vidya Sinha Mim will be released on the upcoming Eid. Director Tanmoy Tansen officially announced the release of the film at a restaurant in Gulshan on Monday.

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'Padma Patar Jal' directed by Tanmoy Tansen is going to be released next Eid. Director Tanmoy Tansen officially announced the release of the film at a restaurant in Gulshan on May 18. It has been reported that there is a special surprise in charge of background music in this film. The popular band 'Chirkoot' has composed the background music for this film.

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This is the first time for this popular band to score background music in a commercial film. So the excitement of the first job is there among them. Earlier, Chirkut had worked on the background score of Abu Shahed Iman's much acclaimed film 'Jalal's Story'. But that film was not exactly a commercial film.

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Director Tanmoy Tansen told the media, 'I tried to make the film with a lot of care. Eamon and Mim have worked hard to give their best performance. I am satisfied with their excellent performance. I hope, the audience will be attracted.

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The story and dialogues of 'Padma Patar Jal' are written by Latiful Islam Shibli. The 'Padma Patar Jal' team has opened a separate website and Facebook page to promote the film.

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