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84 percent marks in HSC 5 working at home Shalini!

The Dhaka Times Desk Being the child of a millionaire, living a luxurious life, many people could not achieve the result, but in HSC 84 percent marks, Shalini 5 working at home.


There are many of us who are children of millionaires but cannot achieve significant results. Living a luxurious life could not make them so focused. What India's Shalini did. He studied without eating a meal and got very good results. In the world of poverty, despite pouring his own money into the world, he gritted his teeth and continued his studies. Dripta has a smile on that face. Shalini of Bangalore, India passed the ISC (HSC) last Tuesday with 84 percent marks.

In an interview given to NDTV, Shalini said, 'I used to cut clothes from house to house, wash dishes.' Shalini's father, who dreams of becoming an engineer in the future, is immobilized in an accident. Mother Vijaya runs the family by working in the hospital. His younger brother Surya is suffering from blood cancer. This family now dreams in Shalini's eyes. Shalini speaks fluent English during this interview.


According to the news media, work at 5 houses, then how did Shalini earn while studying? In response to the question, Shalini said, 'Every day I used to wake up at 4:30 am. Then I would go to make rangoli, that work would go on till 5:30. Then I used to clean the house and wash clothes till 7:30 in another house. Then I used to wash dishes in another house, it would ring around 9 o'clock while doing laundry. Then after having snack I did 2 more homeworks. I had time to read only at night.'

Shalini started school in Tamil medium but later got admission in Kannada medium school. After that, Shalini completed her twelfth standard from an English medium school. His mother Vijaya studied up to class V, his father is illiterate. But father is Shalini's inspiration.

Not only Shalini but her entire family is smiling after the results of the examination. Determined to stay focused, only Shalini knows exactly which test she passed. 17-year-old Shalini dreams of becoming an engineer.

Shalini is an example for our society who constantly overcomes various adversities in the battle of life. Because all evil forces are defeated by will power. Shalini gave the proof. References: NDTV

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