The Dhaka Times
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Pushed into the lion tree!

The Dhaka Times Desk There is a saying in our village called 'Thela Naam Babaji'. One such incident was heard. This time, after being pushed, the lion climbed up the tree!

Trees & the lion

Charles Kamin (63), a former army officer, captured a rare picture of a lion chasing a mouse and climbing a tree. He took his wife on a trip to the Maasai Mara Reserve in Kenya. There he saw a special scene among the animals. This caught his attention. Last Monday, the UK-based media Daily Mail published a report containing photos of such an exceptional scene.

Trees & the lion-2

The picture shows a lion running away from a herd of buffaloes and climbing a tree. After the lion climbs the tree, a herd of buffaloes is stationed below.
Everyone is shocked to see the lion known as the king of the forest! Later, however, the lion understood the situation and jumped and ran away quickly.

The fact is, this tiger was hiding in the grass next to it hoping to hunt a baby buffalo from the buffalo group. But the lion did not realize that he could be subjected to such a ferocious attack by the aged buffalo.

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