The Dhaka Times
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The Tragedy of Savar The death toll has exceeded 150. How many more bodies to see?

The Dhaka Times Desk So far the death toll in Savar building collapse has exceeded 150. Many people are still buried under the building, dead or alive. How many more corpses will this nation have to see? Can the nation bear the burden of so many corpses? This question is now for every conscientious person of the nation. The government has declared a national day of mourning today.

As of writing this report, the relevant authorities have confirmed the news of 158 people in the Savar tragedy. Already 108 people have been handed over to their relatives. All roads are closed. Mourning is going on in the entire area of Savar. People cannot bear the sight of so many people dying together. Every sensible person in the country is mourning. Every sane person today demands exemplary punishment for those ghouls. One is the owner of the building and secondly the garment owners who forced the workers to work without closing the factory even after seeing the cracks in the building the previous day. Taking action against those who are involved in such activities is now a new challenge for the government. It is the expectation of the people that the government will quickly arrest those involved and bring them under the law.

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