The Dhaka Times
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The Tragedy of Savar RAB gave Tk 5 lakh to 2 orphaned children who won the award

The Dhaka Times Desk The Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) has given Tk 5 lakh to Robin and Siam, two children of garment workers Shahina and Rokhsana, who were killed in the Rana Plaza collapse in Savar.


Yesterday, on May 21, RAB intelligence unit director Lt. Col. Ziaul Ahsan handed over Tk 5 lakh to these two children at the Trust Bank Dhaka Cantonment branch. Captain M. Sohail, Director of Naval Intelligence, was present at this time. Two and a half lakh rupees given to each child is kept as a permanent deposit in the trust bank in their name.

Lt. Col. Ziaul Ahsan said that BGMEA gave RAB a reward of five lakh taka for playing a role in controlling labor protests in Savar. RAB decided to give this money to those two children.

After the collapse of Rana Plaza on April 24, the body of Rokhsana's husband Imran Mandal was recovered from the rubble, but Rokhsana's body has not been identified yet. Rokhsana's only child Siam was given two and a half lakh taka. Rescue workers did not find the body. On the other hand, Shahina of Kushtia could not be rescued despite 22 hours of efforts to rescue her alive on the 5th day of the building collapse. A fire broke out while trying to rescue him. Kaykobad, the rescuer, later died in the incident. Shehina's body was recovered the next day.

The Director of Intelligence Branch of RAB also said that while making the fixed deposit in the bank, his aunt and uncle were present on behalf of Robin and his uncle and aunt on behalf of Siam. Robin and Siam's parents will get a dividend of Rs 2,500 per month from the fixed deposit. No one else can withdraw the principal until the children reach adulthood and they continue to receive dividends. It is said that they will get the money after they become adults. News from various online newspaper sources.

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