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Here comes the smart umbrella: it will give a signal to the mobile if it is lost!

The Dhaka Times Desk In the era of modern information technology, we are widely familiar with smartphones. In keeping with the smartphone, now comes the smart umbrella. The great quality of this umbrella is that it will give a signal to the mobile phone if it is lost!

The smart gingham ruffled

We are all familiar with umbrellas. The era of tall straw umbrellas is now over. But now there are various types of small umbrellas. But this time, a step forward in this age of information technology, an umbrella has been invented that will give you a signal on your mobile if the umbrella is lost.

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According to media sources, recently the New York gadget manufacturer Davek has made such an umbrella, which is modern technology friendly. Its great feature is that even if you get lost, the umbrella will find you. This $79 umbrella is called the 'Davek Alert Umbrella'.

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It is known that the handle of Davek's special umbrella is made of zinc. Factory-grade aluminum and fiberglass are used in the structure. This umbrella has a CR2032 coin battery, a motion sensor and Bluetooth 4.0 technology. This umbrella will be connected with Android and iOS operating applications.

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The only reason for this is so that the umbrella can find you if you get lost. If you are 30 feet away from the umbrella, you will receive an instant alert on your mobile! But for that you need to turn on the 'wake up' alert in the umbrella beforehand. If it's turned on, the umbrella will notify you via an app on your smartphone that you've left without it. But if you turn off the alert when you return home, the umbrella will not bother you again and again.

According to media reports, the umbrella will serve you reliably for several years on a single coin battery. The 'Davek Alert Umbrella' is already available in the US market. The company is interested in exporting the smart 'Davek Alert Umbrella' umbrella outside the US within this year.

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