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Precautions to be taken while using smartphone and tab battery

The Dhaka Times Desk As smartphones and tablets are constantly being used. Therefore, some precautions need to be taken when using these batteries. Today it was discussed.

Smartphone and battery tab

Now our life can't be imagined without smartphones. Again tab has become our daily essential product. Caution is required in their use. Because there are often reports of accidents due to exploding batteries. Many were also injured by electric shock.

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Use of smartphone and tablet chargers

Always keep smartphone and tablet chargers separate. Avoid using sharing adapters for charging smartphones and tablets. The reason is that they require different levels of electricity for charging. More or less both can be destroyed.

Avoid charging the phone overnight

We often fall asleep while charging at night. But this is not true at all. Charging the phone overnight is very risky. This often causes the battery to overcharge and heat up. Due to which the life of the battery decreases. During the day, the phone should be charged for a fixed amount of time, such as 1 or 2 hours. Charge should be kept only for the time required.

Do not talk while the phone is charging

Many times due to lack of charge we actually charge the phone and start talking on the phone. This is not correct at all. Avoid talking on the phone while the phone is charging. The battery gradually heats up while charging, and the battery also heats up while talking. There is a risk of the battery exploding if it overheats. If you absolutely have to talk, you can talk using a Bluetooth headset. Then open the charger and talk. You have to ensure your own safety - keep it in mind at all times.

Batteries should be changed regularly

If your smartphone's charge ends quickly, then it means that the battery life is almost over. That's why you need to do a little test. Open the battery and see if it is swollen or not? Place the battery on a flat surface and rotate it to make sure. If the battery rotates properly, then you know that the battery life is over. In that case, the battery should be changed.

Non-brand batteries cannot be used

Again, be careful when buying batteries. Buy original battery from the authorized service center of the original company. Avoid using non-brand batteries. Because there is no guarantee that these batteries are safe or not. So you have to be careful from that side.

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