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The shooting of 'Mati Pari' starring Simon and Moumita Mau is over

The Dhaka Times Desk The shooting of the film 'Matir Pari' starring Simon and Moumita Mau has ended. The production of the film is halting due to various complications.

Mou-Simon Matir pari shooting End

The shooting of the film 'Matir Pari' starring Simon and Moumita Mau has ended. The production of the film has been halting for the past one and a half years due to various complications. However, after overcoming all the complications, the shooting of the film was completed on May 13.

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The dubbing and editing of the film has also been completed. The film's director Tariq told the media that the color correction work is going on. The film 'Matir Pari' stars Simon Sadiq, Moumita Mau and newcomer Sadia Islam Lamia in lead roles.

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Director Tariq told the media, 'The completion of the film has been delayed due to various reasons. It will be possible to submit to the censors in June after completing the color correction work. Then the release date will be decided.'

It is known that an attempt has been made to highlight various inconsistencies in the society through humorous stories. Also acting in the movie 'Mati Pari' are Kazi Hayat, Ahmed Sharif, Alexander Bo, Bansree, Subrata, Rebecca, Mukta Hasan etc.

It should be noted that the shooting of this film started on 21 February 2014 through Mahratta. Produced by Multimedia Productions 'Mati Pari' has lyrics written by Gazi Mazharul Anwar, Sudeep Kumar Deep and A Mizan. Composed and composed by Ahmed Humayun.

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