The Dhaka Times
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There are houses but no people - such a 'green island' story!

The Dhaka Times Desk A beautiful village surrounded by greenery. Anyone who sees it will love it. Such a village has houses but no people - essentially a 'green island'. The story of such an island is for you.

a green island tale

This is Shengshan Island in Zhejiang Province, China. Only green and green to look at. You have probably never seen such a beautiful sight before. It is a beautiful village surrounded by green vines. In fact, the houses there are covered with vines. But even if there are houses there are no people. Everything seems to have stopped. But why such silence?

The story goes like this - this abandoned village on Shengsan Island belonged to the local fishermen. But it became difficult to make a living from that village. And so he left the village to look for work in the city. But many families are unable to return to their homes. In this way one after another the houses of that village started to be abandoned. A very small number of innocent people live there. But that too is very insignificant. It is said that the village is now a village without people.

But even if there are no people, this village is decorated with a unique beauty. The surroundings are covered with foliage, the four walls of the house, the yard, everything from the rocky path. A photographer named Quing Jian came to Shengshan Island and was struck speechless by the natural beauty. The whole world is surprised to see the pictures taken by him. Can such a green house be again? But in reality it happened. Everyone is shocked to see such a green and green scene. What if we could really live here? References:

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