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70 countries have written to the United Nations to stop airstrikes on Syria

The Dhaka Times Desk 70 countries have written to the United Nations to stop airstrikes on Syria. The countries signed the letter urging the UN Security Council to take an anti-war stance.

war in Syria

These 70 countries have requested the United Nations to take necessary steps to stop the aerial and barrel bomb attacks by President Bashar al-Assad's regime in Syria. The letter, signed by 70 countries, reached the office of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon last Thursday.

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The letter mentions that thousands of innocent and unarmed people are being killed by Syrian government airstrikes and barrel bomb attacks by helicopters. Noting that the barrel bomb attack in Aleppo province last May caused many casualties, the letter also said that such inhumane attacks should be considered as war crimes and crimes against humanity. The 70 countries called on the United Nations to take necessary steps to stop the Syrian civil war at any cost.

It should be noted that civil war has been going on in Syria since 2011. According to UN statistics, at least 220,000 people lost their lives in this 4-year war. And so the world thinks that it is necessary to stop this anti-human act.

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