The Dhaka Times
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Sent emails can be canceled!

The Dhaka Times Desk Until now there was no option to cancel the email after sending it. But from now on the sent emails can also be canceled.

Send e-mail can be canceled

Until now, email was like a cannonball. Just like a cannonball once fired, there is no way to get it back, so e-mail has been such a system for a long time. Once a cent was made there was no option to withdraw or stop it. But Google has now added the 'undo send' option to cancel emails sent from Gmail. Because of this, in case of email exchange from any part of the world, the sender can also cancel the sent email. The 'Undo Send' option can be found in the 'General' tab of Gmail settings. This option is disabled in default settings. So you have to turn it on by going to the General tab of the settings.

In this case there is a condition of time. It has 30 seconds time limit. That is, after sending the email, the change of decision should be completed within 30 seconds at most. That is, if you want to cancel, you have to cancel the email sent within this period. This new 'undo send' option has already been officially launched by Google Inc. If the Gmail user keeps the 'undo send' option enabled, he can easily cancel the send within 30 seconds of clicking or tapping the send button. This news was given by the news agency ANI.

It should be noted that after conducting various experiments for 6 years, Google has added the 'Undo Send' option.

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