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A British woman living with 122 cats!

The Dhaka Times Desk The number of people who love animals and birds is not less in this world. But living with 122 cats? A woman in Britain is doing just that. He lives with 122 cats.

A woman living in Britain with over 122 cats

No matter what people do to fulfill their desires. He does not hesitate to give up even the throne in the hope of a piece of happiness. But that's why they live with cats for a little happiness! Although the matter seems surprising, this work was done by the village of Downey in the city of Kent, Britain. He lives with about 122 cats.

Silvana Valentino told the press, 'It's a kind of addiction of mine. I have over a hundred cats. I consider it my job to take care of them all. I absolutely can't stand anything to do with cats.'

Silvana Valentino also said, 'When someone comes to my house, many people ask me if I have a husband or not. Can she tolerate cats? To which I say, Tony (my husband) doesn't mind. Also, Tony notices how I supervise them. Which is why I'm happy with him and the cats. Doing these things while being a little happy.

The people of the area also appreciate her cat husbandry. Because such crazy cats are not often seen.

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