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Shakib is teaming up with newcomer Piya in the film 'Raajneeti'

The Dhaka Times Desk Shakib Khan is teaming up with newcomer Piya in the movie 'Raajneeti'. Directed by NS Bulbul Biswas, this film is mainly based on political story.

Politics & Sakib-Peya BipasaPolitics & Sakib-Peya Bipasa

Shakib Khan, the current craze of Dhaka films, is going to pair up with a newbie, Pia Bipasha. Directed by NS Bulbul Biswas, this film titled 'Raajneeti' is based on a political story.

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Reportedly, this is NS Bulbul's first full-length film after his international success in making short films. Apart from directing the movie 'Raajneeti', NS Bulbul himself also wrote the story and screenplay of the movie.

In this context, Shakib Khan said, 'The director is a newbie, but Bulbul's plans are really amazing. I have read his script. Very well written.'

Newcomer Pia said, 'Shakib Khan is the number one star in the industry. It must be a privilege to get an opportunity to act with him. Although the story of the movie is hero-oriented, the heroine has enough role. It is also a privilege to work with Bulbul Biswas. After short length he will be successful in full length this time.'

The story of the movie is like this - Ayan, born in South Africa and of Bangladeshi origin, accidentally got involved in the politics of Bangladesh. Once he fell in love with Arsha, a girl from old Dhaka. On the other hand, Ayan's brother Shakeel also likes Arsha. A conflict started with such a story.

Others in the movie are - Piyus Banerjee, Jayashree Kar Jaya, Aliraj. The film was shot in different locations outside the country. Work on the Bangladesh part will begin in mid-August. Adit and Fuad Al Muqtadir are composing the music for the movie.

This post was last modified on জুন ২৬, ২০১৫ 5:19 pm

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