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An associate of Saddam Hussein was detained in Iraq

The Dhaka Times Desk An associate of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has been detained by the country's security forces. The leader of Saddam's Baath Party was arrested in a raid based on intelligence.

Saddam Hussein

An associate of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has been detained by the country's security forces. The leader of Saddam's Baath Party was arrested in a raid based on intelligence.

China's state news agency Xinhua said the country's Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi made the demand to arrest the leader of the Baath Party on Saturday.

According to media reports, the country's prime minister demanded the arrest of Saddam's companion Abdul Baki while speaking on the 146th anniversary of the founding of the Iraqi media. The arrested leader's full name is Abdul Baki Abdul Karim Al Sadoon.

Iraq's Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi said, "The security forces were able to arrest the terrorist Abdul Baki Abdul Karim Al Sadoun through the efforts of the Iraqi Intelligence Agency." However, nothing has been said about where and how he was arrested.

It should be noted that this Abdul Baki is accused of crimes against humanity in the Iraq war of 1991. There are allegations against him, he was involved in killing hundreds of people.

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