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Boko Haram's brutal mosque attack: 150 dead in Nigeria

The Dhaka Times Desk Boko Haram militants in Nigeria have killed 150 people in a brutal attack on devout worshipers during prayers at a mosque during the holy month of Ramadan.

Mosque brutal attack

Militants of the Nigerian extremist group Boko Haram have launched a brutal attack on devout worshipers during the holy month of Ramadan at mosques. 3 remote villages of Borno province were bathed in bloodshed. When the women were busy preparing food for Iftar at home, the militants opened fire on them.

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At least 150 people, including children, men and women, who went to the mosque to pray with their father, were killed. Many more were injured. According to international media reports, the death toll may increase.

Militants burnt several houses in the brutal attack on Wednesday. It was the deadliest attack since President Muhammadu Buhari came to power last May. Gunmen killed at least 97 people in a village called Kukawa. They did not spare children aged 4 to 12 years. Gunmen brutally shot and killed 48 people in two other villages near Monguno suburb. According to media reports, many residents of those areas fled and took shelter in safe places.

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