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Facebook will now pay video creators!

The Dhaka Times Desk The authorities of Facebook are now emphasizing on making money from videos. Facebook authorities will now pay the video makers.

Facebook's video creators to give money

The authorities of Facebook are now emphasizing on making money from videos. Facebook authorities will now pay the video makers. Facebook users watch videos at least 400 million times a day across Facebook. The authorities of Facebook are emphasizing on making money from videos by using this huge audience.

Facebook authorities said, video creators will now be given a portion of the ad revenue. By doing this, more developers will post videos on Facebook and more ads will come.

Facebook has also made room for video ads in Facebook users' News Feeds so far. The new 'suggested video' feature will allow major media companies to create and publish content. Which will show Facebook ads. It's a lot like TV commercials.

Facebook officials say the revenue-sharing model will be similar to YouTube. Facebook will keep 45 percent of the revenue shown from this content. It is believed that Facebook is taking this step targeting smartphones. Currently, 75 percent of all Facebook video views are viewed from mobile phones. Market analysts believe that if Facebook's move succeeds, it could pose a serious threat to Google's YouTube.

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