The Dhaka Times
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Python found in the toilet!

The Dhaka Times Desk We have no shortage of interest in pythons. We started running after hearing the news of a python in the forest. But this time the python was found in the toilet!

BOA were found in the toilet

We have no shortage of interest in pythons. We started running after hearing the news of a python in the forest. But this time the python was found in the toilet! The incident took place in Colombia. A woman there was shocked when she went to the toilet. What is the tongue showing? After seeing the flickering tongue, he was first shocked for a while, then the other members of the house came running at his scream.

Everyone was shocked to see such a python in the toilet. The 5-and-a-half-foot-long python was later recovered. Where did the python come from? The python was later handed over to an animal sanctuary.

The woman named Stephanie Leska told the local, 'I couldn't believe my eyes at first when I saw such a scene. Later when I regained consciousness I ran out of the bathroom screaming. This is a special moment in my life. Maybe I will never face such a situation again in my life.'

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