The Dhaka Times
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20 feet long python rescue!

The Dhaka Times Desk A 20 feet long python was finally trapped after hunting. At that time, many people tried to kill the python, but in the end, the python 'failed to hunt' was set free in the forest.

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Last Thursday evening, residents of a village called Mallik Sobha, 40 km from Jalpaiguri in West Bengal, India, came to know that an elongated python was trying to swallow a goat. Meanwhile, curious villagers rushed to the spot without knowing what to do and informed the nearby Binnaguri Forest Officer.

Forest officer Narayan Kar reached the spot and tried to communicate with the wildlife officer but failed. By then the locals had saved the goat from being 'feasted' by the python, but the goat was dead by then.

At that time, the locals tied the python with a rope and released it on a bicycle in the adjacent Sonakhali forest.

The forest officer said that the long-tailed python is 'Burmese rock python'.

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