The Dhaka Times
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Strange case: 20 feet long bird's nest!

The Dhaka Times Desk We saw the bird's nest. But that's why such a big bird's nest? This time a strange incident happened. A 20-foot-long bird's nest was found on a tree!

20 feet tall Bird nest

We saw the bird's nest. Most of these nests are made in trees. But if you see on that tree a nest 20 feet long and 13 feet wide. Then you can not be surprised! That's exactly what happened.

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What birds can live in such a huge house? There are supposed to be tigers and bears here. But you will be surprised to know that birds actually live in that house. You may think again - then there must be a bird as big as a camel? But not even that, the bird with this big nest 'Bungalow' is small like a baby bird!

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This bird's nest weighs a little over 2,000 pounds. Such nests last for about 100 years. Other birds have been known to inherit nests from generation to generation. These birds named Sociable Weaver make their nests with bird feathers, thick grass, cotton floating in the wind, straw and tree branches.

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But sometimes this house has to be repaired with new straw. But the problem is that even if the nest is intact, sometimes the tree sheltering the nest dies. Sometimes it even collapses under the weight of the house.

It is known that this strange bird lives in different parts of South Africa. The daytime temperature in this region is very high. At night, it's the opposite. Their nests protect Sociable Wavers from overheating and freezing.

It is known that one house has more than a hundred small rooms. 300 to 400 birds live in a nest. Individual families live in small huts inside it. But the outer rooms are relatively cold. Those birds take refuge in these houses to escape from the heat of the day. The rooms in the middle of the house are warmer. This is how the small birds use such a large nest. Which is quite surprising if you imagine.

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