The Dhaka Times
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At the airport, a woman drank alcohol and caused a strange incident!

The Dhaka Times Desk Bottles of alcohol are not allowed to be carried on the plane. Hearing this, a woman did a strange thing. He swallowed the whole bottle of wine in goo!

trunk of woman at airport

The Chinese woman drank the whole bottle of wine while standing in the airport without giving up the bottle in the face of the security staff!

This strange incident happened in Beijing, China. After such an incident happened at the airport there, the woman fell down on the ground due to intoxication. Although in that condition it is not necessary to board the plane. But the security personnel did not let him board the plane.

It is known that the Chinese woman's name is Zhao. He bought that bottle of wine from the United States. Zhao planned to fly to Wenzhou via Beijing. Zhao ate it instead of throwing it away when he objected to the security staff taking a bottle of wine on the plane!

It should be noted that Zhao became unconscious after shouting a little while drunk. After about 7 hours he woke up. When the family members were informed, they came and took the drunken Zhao home. However, he did not forget to thank the airport staff after waking up!

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