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The difference between the rich and the poor will be determined at the airport!

The Dhaka Times Desk There is a difference between the rich and the poor around the world but so say this? Even at the airport again! This time the difference between the rich and the poor will be determined at the airport!

rich-poor distinction at airport

Los Angeles International Airport Authority of the United States is going to take such a new step to understand the difference between the rich and the poor!

According to media reports, this international airport authority will have a separate terminal at the airport for the rich and famous people. And a separate terminal will be made for the use of the poor. The rationale behind such a move is to approve a scheme to protect VIPs' personal privacy and protect them from paparazzi.

Los Angeles International Airport Executive Director Deborah Flint told the media that she was "very pleased" with the news of the approval of the proposal to launch such services for star and VIP guests. He also said that emphasis is being put on transforming this airport into a beautiful airport of international standards.

The project has already been approved by the Los Angeles Airport Commission. This will be the first airport in the country to have such a facility after its commissioning.

It should be noted that the construction of this special terminal will cost around 3 million dollars. And to use this airport, the rich and famous VIPs will have to pay $1,500 to $1,800 per person.

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