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The story of an airport that looks like a bird

The Dhaka Times Desk A new international airport has been inaugurated in Ashgabat, the capital of Turkmenistan. It looks just like a winged falcon!


According to media reports, this design has been done in accordance with the symbol of the country's national airline.

The country spent about two and a half billion dollars to build this new five-story airport building.

It is said that the airport has the capacity to handle more than 1600 passengers per hour. However, few foreigners visit the country, which is famous for its autocratic rule and huge natural energy reserves.

According to the country's official estimates, 150,000 foreign tourists visited Turkmenistan in 2015.

Getting a visa to Turkmenistan is also quite difficult. However, the country's president, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, claims that his country has a high possibility of becoming a transit country.

According to the news, Ashgabat is famous for various artistic installations and buildings. The city has a publishing house shaped like an open book. Tourists come to see it. Besides, the city also has huge gold statues of the current president and his predecessor. which attract tourists. But if the process of getting a visa was easier, the city would have been an attractive place for tourists.

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