The Dhaka Times
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Any screw will open with just one driver! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Screws are used in everything, not just electronic devices. But now a driver has been discovered that can open any screw!

Just open any screwdriver

We know that one size driver is needed to open one screw. But now a screwdriver has been invented that allows you to open any size screw.

This common driver is named 'Tiny Metal Cube'. An engineer named Flavio Pellegrino invented this new type of device. Seeing a Rubik's screw, he took the initiative to make this device.

This driver is made of military grade titanium. Due to which there is no possibility of rusting. This specialized device has 5 ports. It also has a ghat for using money. This device is again easily carried in the pocket.

The price of this new cube with so many features is only 29 dollars. 2 thousand 262 taka in Bangladeshi currency without VAT and tax.

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