The Dhaka Times
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Seeing the 'woman' in the car, the police's eyes are shocked!

The Dhaka Times Desk 'A woman froze to death sitting in the car'. After such a complaint, the police's eyes were shocked to see the 'woman' in the car!


The police rushed there after receiving the complaint. Then the car's window was broken and saw the 'woman' police eyes!

Hudson Police received a call to do just that. It is said, 'a woman froze to death sitting in the car'. The police came quickly. The window glass is broken. Then the police went crazy.

Police found a mannequin, not a woman, sitting inside the car. An oxygen mask is attached to the mannequin's face. From the outside it looks like the woman has become 'frozen'. Seeing that the police are also wrong. After questioning the owner of the car, it is known that he sells medical supplies. That is why he uses such dummies to 'help' him in his work.

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