The Dhaka Times
With the commitment to keep the young generation ahead, Bangladesh's largest social magazine.

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20 people in a car with only 4 seats! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk One on the driver's side, two in the back - a total of 4 seats. Is it possible to sit 20 people in these 4 seats? is possible This effort was awarded the title 'Most People Crammed in a Smart Car' at the Guinness World Records Italian Show!


20 members of the Comet cheerleader team made this impossible as 20 people can sit in a 4-seater car. They took this effort under the title 'Most People Crammed in a Smart Car' at the Guinness World Records Italian Show.

They have collected themselves in that small car which is only 2.69 meters long and they have won the praise of everyone. Watch the video and you will believe how they made this difficult task possible.

Watch the video

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