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This application came to diagnose eye diseases!

The Dhaka Times Desk Ever since smartphones came into the market, we have not known about apps or applications. Enjoying the benefits of various apps. But this time the application came in the diagnosis of eye diseases.

application of eye disease diagnosis

According to media reports, researchers have developed an app that can detect eye diseases such as diabetic macular edema.

The app was developed by a medical and surgical team recently formed in Mexico for the retina of the eye, according to information technology website BGR. In developing this app, the researchers used the mobile phone camera, which is capable of detecting any type of abnormality in the retina of the eye. This app is mainly developed for doctors, so that if they see any kind of problem in the patient's eyes, they can refer the patient to a specialist doctor. A group of biomedical engineers from the Spain-based Monterey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (ITESM) helped develop the app. The app is expected to be released in the market within a few days.

Carlos Altamirano Vallejo, director of the medical team associated with the app, said, 'The app was created for general medical use only. But with this app it is never possible to fulfill the requirement of specialist doctor. But this app will help to catch any eye disease in its early stages.'

Carlos Altamirano Vallejo said, 'This app will tell you who's eyes are at risk and who needs to see a doctor as soon as possible.'

Note that in underdeveloped and rural areas where eye treatment is not available properly, this app will be very useful for common people. Moreover, this app will also help in reducing the cost of eye treatment. Diabetic patients, who face various eye problems, will also benefit from this app.

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