Categories: Religion

The issue of paying Zakat in Ramadan

The Dhaka Times Desk Ramadan is progressing. The 30-day fast is arranged in three levels: mercy, forgiveness and salvation. This blessed month is the best time to give Zakat to those who are able.

The holy month of Ramadan is progressing. On the one hand, the importance of giving in the Holy Ramadan is great, on the other hand, the importance of Zakat is also great.

Zakat is very important in Islam. By paying Zakat, on the one hand, all the wealth earned by people is purified, on the other hand, by fasting in the month of Ramadan, the human body is also purified. It is stated in Hadith Sharif, 'When a person pays Zakat on his wealth - then the fault of his wealth is removed.' Just as true fasting is to be observed for the purification of the human body and soul, so also zakat is to be paid to achieve the purity of things. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, 'Every thing has a Zakat, and the Zakat of the human body is fasting (Ramadan).' (Ibn Maja)

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It is in Hadith Sharif that giving zakat does not reduce the wealth of the giver of zakat, rather Allah bestows many blessings on it and it increases many times. The principle of distribution of wealth in Islam is declared in the Holy Qur'an that, 'Wealth should not circulate among the rich among you.' (Surat al-Hashr, verse 7)

We know that there is no specific time obligation to pay Zakat. However, even if there is no fixed time, the month of Ramadan is the best time to pay Zakat, the elders have mentioned. Giving any kind of charity during the month of Ramadan results in 70 times more good deeds than other times. If one performs a Nafal Ibadah to gain the pleasure of Allah, he will receive a reward equivalent to an obligatory Ibadat in the month of Ramadan. Whoever performs one fard, he will get a reward equal to 70 fards in this Ramadan from other months. Therefore, Ramadan is the best season or best time to give Zakat for poverty alleviation and socio-economic development to get more rewards. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, 'Zakat is the bridge of Islam.' (Muslim)

Due to the fact that rich people who are fasting in this month pay Zakat to the needy, the poor and destitute people of the society are freed from the scourge of poverty and their overall economic condition improves somewhat. During the month of Ramadan, rich people pay Zakat to the poor, so there is exchange between both classes of people and a sense of mutual brotherhood is also developed.

Who will pay Zakat?

If a Muslim has at least 7 and a half tolas of gold or 52 and a half tolas of silver or equivalent worth of wealth left over from the Nisab amount i.e. the annual income after excluding all the expenses of himself and his family throughout the year, then two and a half rupees of his wealth will be determined by Allah as a percentage. Zakat is to be distributed among the poor.

According to Allah's instructions in giving zakat, 1/40 of the wealth is given to the poor and needy, and the fasting person gets peace of mind. Zakat is not a favor of the rich to the poor, rather it is a right or right of the poor. In the Holy Qur'an, Allah the Exalted declares that, 'In their (wealthy) wealth is the right of the needy and the deprived.' (Surah Al-Jari'at, Verse: 19)

Regarding zakat, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, 'When a slave pays zakat, the angels pray for him - O Allah! Give more to the one who spends in your way; And the person who hoards wealth, does not spend in your way, you destroy his wealth!' (Bukhari)

So those for whom zakat is obligatory should pay zakat in this month of Ramadan. This zakat can play a very important role in protecting the rights of the deprived people during the month of Ramadan and eliminating the economic disparity between the rich and the poor in the society. Those who are truly entitled to Zakat are those who are incompetent and those who have no income or cannot earn enough despite their performance.

In this regard, the Holy Qur'an stated, 'Sadaqa or zakat is only for the destitute, the needy, the zakat collectors, for those who are impressed, for the freeing of slaves, for those burdened with debt, for those who struggle in the way of Allah and for the travelers; This is the law of Allah.' (Surah At-Tawbah, Verse: 60)

So let us purify our wealth by paying Zakat in this holy month for whom Zakat is obligatory. It stands by the distressed by observing it. Then both this life and the hereafter will be good for us.

This post was last modified on মে ২৩, ২০১৮ 12:45 pm

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