The Dhaka Times
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Mobile phone subscribers are growing at a rate of 20 percent

The Dhaka Times Desk Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) said that mobile phone users are increasing at a rate of 20 percent in the country. Recently, in the annual report of the organization for the year 2011-12 in the National Parliament, it has been stated that the number of mobile phone subscribers has increased to 93.8 million in the financial year 2011-12. Post and Telecommunication Minister Sahara Khatun presented this report in Parliament.

According to the report, the number of internet subscribers, especially mobile internet subscribers, increased by more than 42 percent compared to last year to 2.65 million due to the reduction in bandwidth prices. If the number of internet subscribers increases in this way, it is expected that the country's teledensity will be 85 percent by 2021 and broadband internet subscribers will increase to 30 percent.

The report further states that due to the increase in the number of mobile and internet subscribers across the country, the standard of living has increased to a large extent along with overall development in social and economic fields. Mobile phone customers in Bangladesh are getting the opportunity to talk at one of the lowest call rates in the world, the report said, noting that the currently approved call rates are set at a minimum of 25 paisa and a maximum of 2 taka per minute. In the financial year 2011-12, BTRC has been able to deposit the highest revenue of about 7 thousand crore rupees from the telecommunication sector to the government treasury, it is also mentioned in the report.

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