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'Duality' disease is connected with smoking!

The Dhaka Times Desk Never heard good news about smoking. That's right, this time too there is such a news that the disease of 'duality' is connected with this smoking.

disease linked & smoking

According to a news published in the media, scientists are claiming that there is a link between smoking and schizophrenia. A group of researchers from King's College London analyzed the results of over 60 studies and found that smokers are more likely to suffer from schizophrenia or 'ambivalence'.

The news also says that scientists have been saying for a long time that people lose touch with reality due to 'psychosis' or mental disorders. Smoking is strongly associated with it. Researchers have found that nicotine in cigarettes can change the structure of the brain.

But until now, smoking was not seen as the cause, the report said, rather it was thought that the mental state was driving the patient to smoke. That is, patients with psychosis, who often hear voices or see hallucinations, resort to smoking to relieve stress.

Researchers at King's College say they have found a direct link between smoking and schizophrenia. Researchers say smoking can predispose someone to the condition from a young age. The researchers also said they found strong evidence for this, but more extensive research is needed.

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