The Dhaka Times
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An ugly chicken 'dragon' story!

The Dhaka Times Desk We have never heard or seen such a chicken before. Today we have such an ugly chicken 'dragon' story for you.

An ugly chickens 'Dragon' story

According to media reports, the hair on the body of this ugly chicken is comparatively less. The eyes cannot see properly. If you look at it, it will look like a foot disease. This ugly chicken is called Dragon. Due to heavy legs, this dragon chicken can't hatch properly from its own eggs!

An ugly chickens 'Dragon' story-2An ugly chickens 'Dragon' story-2

According to news media, this is the world's most expensive and ugliest chicken. This Vietnamese dragon chicken is said to be the most expensive chicken in the world. Previously, a breed of black-colored chicken from Ayam Chemani Nom in Indonesia was said to be the most expensive. A pair of dragon chickens cost £1,600. Which is 1 lakh 96 thousand 865.85 taka as per Bangladesh.

It is known that this chicken meat is very tasty. Dragon chickens from Khoi Shau District in Hung Yen Province, about 20 miles from Hanoi, are usually cooked in various restaurants for the rich. It takes only 8 months to 1 year for their weight to change from 3 to 5 kg. These dragon chickens are characterized by thick reddish coverings on their legs, which are as thick as a human wrist.

Dragon chickens are usually white in color. It is also reported that a large rooster can weigh more than 6 kg. These dragon chickens have colorful feathers in between their white feathers. However, when the weather changes, these chickens suffer from various diseases.

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