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Postmaster tool added to Gmail

The Dhaka Times Desk Postmaster tool has been added to Gmail. This filter will improve email spam detection technology.

The postmaster tool with Gmail

Google authorities have added this new facility called 'Postmaster' for Gmail. This filter is expected to improve email spam detection technology. Users can easily help Google by deciding what is spam or what is not spam.

According to Google officials, it uses artificial intelligence methods to improve the spam filter. Preventing unwanted mail from bypassing the filter and entering the inbox will be improved with the help of this Postmaster tool.

Google officials say Gmail has improved its anti-phishing system. This new filter will understand the type of mail a user sends and receives in the inbox. Then learning from there will play a more effective role in preventing spam. Overall customers will not have difficulty in understanding what is spam and what is not spam. Google authorities have launched this new facility keeping in mind the customers.

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