The Dhaka Times
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Malala opened a school for refugees in Lebanon

The Dhaka Times Desk On her coming-of-age birthday, Malala opened a school for Syrian refugees in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley.

The school opened Malala

Malala, a Pakistani teenager, has now come of age. And on his coming-of-age day, he commemorated the day by opening a school with the slogan 'Invest in books, not bullets'. This was the main slogan of Swat Valley firebrand Malala Yousafzai on her 18th birthday last Sunday?

On her coming-of-age birthday, she founded a school for Syrian refugees in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley.

Of the 4 million refugees displaced by the Syrian civil war, 12 million have taken refuge in Lebanon. Female leader Malala took special initiative for the education of women among them.

Malala said that many countries refuse to give asylum to refugees crossing the border in danger. Forced them to return to the country they left behind. Such a cruel and anti-human act does not happen anymore.

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